What makes for a good Photograph?Seeing light and the subject or one can say - light in relation to the subject or vice versa plays a much more crucial role as compared to the camera. Having an expensive camera or a lens does not make you a better photographer. it's the vision that matters the most. Actually, besides seeing light, you need to be good at seeing. Anyone can take a photograph but when you talk about taking a good photograph, it’s all about seeing not just the light but your complete subject. What to shoot? How much to show are important questions that decide if the photograph is good. That’s the difference between a good Photograph and a snapshot. The content. Once you are able to take a good Photograph, a costly ( or good ) camera or a lens may make your shooting easier or more convenient but not that a costly camera by itself will create good photographs. You may have the most expensive camera or lens with you along with eventually the experience of handling it, but if you do not have the aesthetic sense of seeing, composing, framing, spontaneity and an understanding of your subject, be it an object or a person, You cannot take a good photograph. You can just click a picture. so there is a lot more to it than just clicking. Think beyond the equipment.
Though the wall behind is white, i decided to illuminate the whole image in such a manner so as to keep the wall in shadows. Lighted up the model with a strip light from the side.
While shooting lingerie, one needs to take care that the detail is prominent enough. A simple photograph was illuminated with a round Beauty Dish and what you see on the pink backdrop is the shadow created by the light. The direction of light plays an important role in defining the contours, form and texture.
Although I do not generally crop my photographs but for this one of a Ghat in Varanasi, shot from a boat was cropped from top to exclude some part essentially because I wanted to give the image a wider feel.
The subject has been illuminated with an external light source besides having the light sources in the frame. This is actually a combination of two different exposures. One to get the right effect of the candles and the other one to suitably illuminate the subject. technically speaking, if the light source is included in the frame one may think of showing that as the source of light on the subject. However, in this case the light is coming from a source not in the frame. While shooting one may always take options and do stuff which is not really conventional. noticed it and could not resist keeping the face just behind the leaves. Fashion photography let's you explore such chances and opportunities to experiment.
There is generally a debate if it's a good photograph when you create it all or when you click it which already existed. Both involve efforts and require a good eye and vision. You create what you imagine and in the other case you see and frame only what you wish to convey through your photograph. It exists but it needs a photographers vision to show that in his photograph. A good photographer would spontaneously capture and exclude the unwanted elements in the existing scene. On the other hand in a well planned setup, it will again involve the Photographer to be able to show it the way he wants to to with the help of lighting, filters, and the choice of lenses.
While shooting the original Constitution of India, found the side of the large book quite interesting and shot it in an abstract form.
Found these seed pods very interesting as these these were quite large in size. Noticed them while conducting a Photography workshop in Hyderabad. Brought them back and shot them in water. This is a triptych which was put together for one of my photography exhibitions on abstracts. This photograph is all about colours. The Pre-wedding shoot of the young couple was shot at one of the exciting locations in Delhi - Hobbiton.
The lavish big fat Indian Destination wedding was spread over a Royal fort palace in Rajasthan. Used a Fish eye lens here to capture this fun moment in between the shots.
Munish Khanna is a well renowned Advertising and Fashion Photographer based in Delhi who regularly conducts photography courses in Delhi.Comments
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