First steps in taking a PictureThe very first steps of Camera handling which all beginners in Photography should know.
Explained once again ....... Shoot at Aperture priority while choosing the aperture keep in mind two things 1. Depth of field. choose an opened aperture (f2.8) for shallow depth of field and move towards f 22 for more depth of field. 2. If the shutter speed drops less than 1/60th sec, open up aperture or increase the ISO. If you open up, you tend to get shallow depth of field and if you increase the ISO, you get noise. Increase the ISO only to the extend that lets you shoot hand held at 1/60th sec ( 1/200th if on a focal length of 200mm) REMEMBER to bring the ISO to the lowest number when a higher ISO is not required Also REMEMBER that you are not just shooting at a closed down aperture even when you do not need more depth of field. Its better to have noise /grain due to high ISO as this can be corrected/removed later on but having a blur due to slower shutter speed cant be corrected at all. People in general do not even notice higher noise but no body would accept a blurred image which will be rejected upfront. FOCUS- make sure that you have focused the subject well. the focusing point must overlap the subject preferably the subject's eyes. It should not be on the background. Also make sure that you release/squeeze the shutter release button very gently. In certain situations dont shoot so fast so as not give the camera a chance to focus. If you have a f2.8 lens- this does not mean that you always have to shoot at f 2.8 The idea of this lens in low light is also to help the camera focus faster in low light as the camera focuses with the fully open aperture and this makes focusing faster. REMEMBER- with f2.8 with a very shallow depth of field you chances of error with exact focus are also higher compared to f5.6 /f 8 etc. As the error of focusing at a closed aperture may be taken care by the depth of field. This is especially important when the subject is moving around. REMEMBER to step back and shoot at a higher focal length than to start shooting from wherever you are with a wider focal length. for example if you have a 24-70mm lens, shoot as much as possible closer to 70 than towards 24 in case of portraits. You have the option to learn photography directly from Munish Khanna at his Academy in New Delhi or online as he conducts online photography courses. If you are planning to buy a new camera. This "camera buying form" might be of use to you.
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