Comparison between JPEG and RAW formats



All camera settings embedded and applied in file. Changes can be made at a loss. These can be done in photoshop and not in the RAW convertor.

Image stored with minimal processing from sensor, allowing more post-shoot changes. The information is stored in the file and there is a lot of flexibility. Changes can be made without any loss.

Fastest, most convenient format

Most flexible, adaptable format

Smaller file size

Larger file size

Easily viewable images

Requires RAW conversion software

Camera shoot and file-to-memory speeds faster

Camera shoot and file-to-memory speeds slower

Fast to view as it can be viewed in regular finder / preview

Slower to view but things have changed. Best to view in the RAW convertor itself.

8-bit file (less picture information)

16-bit file (more picture information)


The RAW format is the best image format to use if you want to get the best possible pictures from your DSLR. Camera settings, such as white balance, contrast, saturation levels, sharpening, and other settings, are applied to the RAW image file but you have complete flexibility of adjusting these settings as good as you would have done it on the camera. well almost as good to a certain extent. so after you have shot, you still have the control over these settings when processing them with a RAW image converter like the one supplied by your brand or a third party. Many photo enthusiasts shoot in RAW format most of the time, or choose RAW + JPEG if the camera offers that setting. 

You can shoot more JPEG images in a row compared to RAW before the camera’s memory buffer or eventually the card is filled, making the camera stop in order to catch up. On the other hand, RAW allows instant changes to white balance, contrast, saturation, exposure etc. after the shoot with no effect on the image quality. 

In the nutshell since, RAW is better quality in all respects, its better to shoot in RAW and then convert to TIFF. work on TIFF and then convert to JPEG.