Autofocus point orientation

You can select up to three different AF point selection methods corresponding to whether you hold the camera in a landscape orientation, portrait with the grip up or portrait with the grip down orientation. Simply rotating the camera will choose whichever AF point or AF point selection method you have set for that orientation.

This is very useful for many situations. At a wedding for example you may choose to use the central point when shooting in a landscape format but the middle top AF point for focusing on a face when shooting in a portrait mode.

It is also possible to select an alternate, or favourite, AF point that you can switch to immediately by using one of the customisable buttons on the EOS 7D. This customisation can also be used to select an alternate set of AF settings that can be recalled using a single button press. You may find this useful when photographing a running race for example. You may wish to use two different AF point selection methods, one for the start of the race and one for the end as the runners dip for the line.

This feature is present in new Canon cameras including the 5d mark III and 1D x besides 7D