Slow Synchronisation


An example of slow synchronization of flash. The model was requested to stay as still as possible even after the burst of flash. Unless you explain a common man would not know that the film is being exposed even after the flash burst is over. The slow shutter speed has recorded the dancers in the background as blur. The image was composed in a way so as to get the bulb light over the edge of the frame. This has recorded it as a star, further adding to the effect. The areas close to the camera have more neutral light compared to the distant background, because of the fall off in the flash light. Camera is on tripod. 

A typical example of slow synchronization of flash. The camera is set on aperture priority mode with the flash mode set at slow. It will not really make a difference in this case if it is synchronized with the rear curtain or the front. The model is illuminated with the flash and the background, where the flash light cannot reach is illuminated with its own light. The background is the light source itself. Nikon SB28 was used on  F70 camera with a tele lens. Tripod was used. The model gets a little yellow / warm cast because of the street lighting. It is important that the model should not move to avoid a blur image.

The model was asked to move her hand while the long exposure was made along with the studio light. Notice the ghost image along the waist of the model due to slight body movement. These type of shots come out best at twilight, a little delay can kill the saturation in the blue sky and it would appear black. Further the deep blue sky has added contrast with the red.

Flash synchronisation at 1/60th sec

Shooting Mode Manual Exposure
Tv( Shutter Speed ) 1/60
Av( Aperture Value ) 9.0
Metering Mode Evaluative Metering
ISO Speed 200
Lens EF24-105mm f/4L IS USM
Focal Length 32.0 mm
Image Quality RAW
Flash On
Flash Exposure Compensation 0
White Balance Mode Auto

Slow synchronisation should be used carefully. If the subject is moving, the blur will be registered as well.

Shooting Mode Shutter-Priority AE
Tv( Shutter Speed ) 2
Av( Aperture Value ) 4.0
Metering Mode Evaluative Metering
Exposure Compensation 0
ISO Speed 200
Lens EF24-105mm f/4L IS USM
Focal Length 28.0 mm
Flash On
Flash Exposure Compensation 0
White Balance Mode Auto


Canon EOS 5D Mark II
24 mm
1/8 at f/4
Fired, compulsory mode
0 EV
Aperture priority
ISO 200

Canon EOS 5D Mark II
24 mm
1/6 at f/4.5
Fired, compulsory mode
0 EV
Aperture priority
ISO 200

Canon EOS 5D Mark II
24 mm
1/6 at f/4.5
Fired, compulsory mode
0 EV
Aperture priority
ISO 200

Canon EOS 5D Mark II
45 mm
1/4 at f/5.6
Fired, compulsory mode
0 EV
Aperture priority
ISO 200

Canon EOS 5D Mark II 55 mm 1/8 at f/5.6 Fired, compulsory mode 0 EV Auto Aperture priority ISO 400 Partial

Canon EOS 5D Mark II
24 mm
1/3 at f/4
Fired, compulsory mode
0 EV
Aperture priority
ISO 200

Canon EOS 5D Mark II
24 mm
1/4 at f/4
Fired, compulsory mode
0 EV
Aperture priority
ISO 200

Canon EOS 5D Mark II
24 mm
1/3 at f/4
Fired, compulsory mode
0 EV
Aperture priority
ISO 200

Canon EOS 5D Mark II
24 mm
1/4 at f/4
Fired, compulsory mode
0 EV
Aperture priority
ISO 200