Presentations - Films - Studio practicals - outdoor practicals - assignments
- Introduction - basic terms to know - aperture shutter speed -depth of field - ppt
- Film on the Basics of Photography
- outdoors- basics explained further - park
- second film on the basics of photography
- Exposure basics ppt
- Natural light
- Lenses ppt
- Composition ppt
- Third film on Basics
- critique session
- Digital workflow- transferring the photographs to the computer
- Students to shoot on their own in natural light - General candid street photography -Analysis - How spontaneous and creative you are.
- Students to shoot on their own in natural light - Portraits of one person they know well - Analysis - How well you can instruct and be in command
- Students to shoot one subject / product / statue at different time of the day - understand the change in natural light - direction of light
- Visit to a monument
- Q and A session- clear all your doubts. Ask questions.
- What went wrong - Submit a set of photographs showcasing the wrong and right approach towards the same thing.
- Reflectors and Diffusers outdoors in natural light
- Film on composition - Chasing the light
- Portraiture in natural light - Demonstration in the park. Students
- Students to collect masters work and discuss
- Analysis of Portraits shot by students - basic enhancement on the computer using Raw convertor
- Demonstration of lighting with a Ball in the studio under artificial lighting. Understand hard-soft light.
- Flash photography ppt - students to shoot photographs using flash, both outdoors and indoors
- Film on Flash photography
- Practical demonstration of Flash photography -off camera flash usage
- Flash photography- submit 5 shots taken indoors where the use of flash is not noticeable. 5 shots which show the use of flash as a fill in outdoors
- Demonstration of studio lighting setup - understand how to install -setup and dismantle studio lights- mandatory class for anyone shooting in the studio
- Filters in Photography - Polarizing and other filters.
- Low light - Indoor photography - understand how to use window lighting - playing around with aperture, shutter speed and ISO.
- Photo walk to a location in Delhi.
- Submit photographs showcasing at least 2 different techniques like Panning, rear /front curtain synchronization, day for night effect etc.
- Work on a theme. Self assign a theme and submit the topic. Submit the photographs in 10 days time.
- Studio lighting setup demonstration - Portraiture with one light and multiple lights
- Students practically shoot portraiture in the studio using one hard light
- Students practically shoot portraiture in the studio using one soft light / light modifier.
- Film on studio lighting - Joe Craig followed by discussion
- students practically shoot in the studio using multiple lights and modifiers.
- Film on lighting part 1- Understanding light modifiers Mark Daughn
- Film on lighting part 2- Understanding light modifiers Mark Daughn
- Film on old Hollywood style photography
- Film on the war photographer- James Nachway
- National Geographic- through the lens - film
- National Geographic - Photographers -film
- Discussion on self assigned theme photographs submitted by students.
- Work on a topic assigned by us. Submit the photographs in 10 days time.
- Do it yourself- free studio practical time in a group
- Do it yourself- free studio practical time - shoot in independent time slot.
- Tony sweet's visual literacy - Film 270 mins - outdoor lighting
- Portrait lighting techniques- Bobbi Lane + how to shoot cars- Fernando escover and earl crowe
- Film- Indoor lighting -James schmelzer 45 mins followed by /along with discussion + Light like a pro- Jerry Day
- Group Discussion- Every student is assigned or opts for a particular Topic and Discusses / presents the same in the class
- Self Portrait - submit a series of self Portraits.
- Environmental Portrait - Students to submit such portrait of one person they know well. Submit the characteristics of the person beforehand.
- One picture one day - Undertake this project to shoot only one photograph in one day for 5 days. Excluding the pictures taken in the class.
- One day one picture B- upload/submit every saturday and sunday night two photographs shot on that day. (16 photos to be submitted in one month but on the same day when shot)
- Discussion on assigned theme photographs submitted by students.
- Compositional skills - shoot a set of Bottles in the studio, emphasizing on the arrangement in an abstract form
- Studio practical- Food photography -tea time snacks- pastries etc.-Followed by do it yourself session
- Studio practical-Food photography- cold drink /wine / beer - understand how to shoot a transparent bottle -Followed by do it yourself session
- Studio practical - Shoot a perfume bottle. Start with the basic setting followed by more complex lighting and background
- Studio practical - How to shoot reflective products - Shoot a set of stainless steel utensils
- Studio practical - Macro photography - product - jewellery / watch etc.
- Studio practical - Product - Leather bags /shoes
- Studio practical - Macro photography- abstracts -Dry leaves....
- Studio practical - Couple photography ( volunteers needed)
- Studio Practical - Kids Photography
- studio practical- How to shoot paintings
- Know How - Fashion photography
- Know How - Travel photography
- Know How - wedding photography
- Know How -Photojournalism
- Know How -Product photography
- Know How - HDR - High dynamic range
- Know How -panorama -virtual 360 degree
- Know How -
- Digital workflow 2 Retouching
- Digital workflow 3 Retouching and layers
- Digital workflow 4 Learn to cut out
- Go through RAW files of travel pictures by Munish. Understand the way it moves from one frame to the next in terms of composition and technique
- Open session / interaction
- Portfolio presentation - Make a presentation of your work done since the time you joined the training
- Introduction to videography on your camera
- Films - Annie Leibovitz
- Film - Helmont Newton
- Optional trip to a Village/city around. Expenses pooled in.
- Film- At close range -National Geographic -Joel Sartore
- Film Henri cartier Bresson
- Film- National Geographic - Most incredible photos
- Film- Classic three point lighting 401 Mark Daughn
- Film- Fashion and Beauty secrets- Karl Taylor
- Apply what you learnt- Do it yourself session in the studio -to practice any of the concepts /techniques from the viewed films
- Film- Portrait techniques 1 sandy Puc & Marcus Bell, 2 Dave Junion, 3 Andrew Campbell, Ed Pierce, 4 Larry Peters, Suzette Nesire, 5 Bruce Dorn, Jeff Hawkins, 6 Vicki Taufer
- Film- Studio lighting Ed Pierce 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 -
- Studio practical- practice time in group
- Studio practical - practice time individually with one assistant
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- Final portfolio submission and evaluation