Presentations - Films - Studio practicals - outdoor practicals - assignments

  1. Introduction - basic terms to know - aperture shutter speed -depth of field - ppt
  2. Film on the Basics of Photography
  3. outdoors- basics explained further - park
  4. second film on the basics of photography 
  5. Exposure basics ppt
  6. Natural light
  7. Lenses ppt
  8. Composition ppt
  9. Third film on Basics
  10. critique session
  11. Digital workflow- transferring the photographs to the computer 
  12. Students to shoot on their own in natural light - General candid street photography -Analysis - How spontaneous and creative you are.
  13. Students to shoot on their own in natural light - Portraits of one person they know well - Analysis - How well you can instruct and be in command
  14. Students to shoot one subject / product / statue at different time of the day - understand the change in natural light - direction of light
  15. Visit to a monument
  16. Q and A session- clear all your doubts. Ask questions.
  17. What went wrong - Submit a set of photographs showcasing the wrong and right approach towards the same thing.
  18. Reflectors and Diffusers outdoors in natural light
  19. Film on composition - Chasing the light
  20. Portraiture in natural light - Demonstration in the park. Students 
  21. Students to collect masters work and discuss
  22. Analysis of Portraits shot by students - basic enhancement on the computer using Raw convertor
  23. Demonstration of lighting with a Ball in the studio under artificial lighting. Understand hard-soft light.
  24. Flash photography ppt - students to shoot photographs using flash, both outdoors and indoors
  25. Film on Flash photography
  26. Practical demonstration of Flash photography -off camera flash usage
  27.  Flash photography- submit 5 shots taken indoors where the use of flash is not noticeable. 5 shots which show the use of flash as a fill in outdoors
  28. Demonstration of studio lighting setup - understand how to install -setup and dismantle studio lights- mandatory class for anyone shooting in the studio
  29. Filters in Photography - Polarizing and other filters.
  30. Low light - Indoor photography - understand how to use window lighting - playing around with aperture, shutter speed and ISO.
  31. Photo walk to a location in Delhi. 
  32. Submit photographs showcasing at least 2 different techniques like Panning, rear /front curtain synchronization, day for night effect etc. 
  33. Work on a theme. Self assign a theme and submit the topic. Submit the photographs in 10 days time.
  34. Studio lighting setup demonstration - Portraiture with one light and multiple lights
  35. Students practically shoot portraiture in the studio using one hard light
  36. Students practically shoot portraiture in the studio using one soft light / light modifier.
  37. Film on studio lighting - Joe Craig followed by discussion
  38. students practically shoot in the studio using multiple lights and modifiers.
  39. Film on lighting part 1- Understanding light modifiers Mark Daughn
  40. Film on lighting  part 2- Understanding light modifiers Mark Daughn
  41. Film on old Hollywood style photography 
  42. Film on the war photographer- James Nachway
  43. National Geographic- through the lens - film
  44. National Geographic - Photographers -film
  45. Discussion on self assigned theme photographs submitted by students.
  46. Work on a topic assigned by us. Submit the photographs in 10 days time.
  47. Do it yourself- free studio practical time in a group
  48. Do it yourself- free studio practical time - shoot in independent time slot.
  49. Tony sweet's visual literacy - Film 270 mins - outdoor lighting
  50. Portrait lighting techniques- Bobbi Lane + how to shoot cars- Fernando escover and earl crowe
  51. Film- Indoor lighting -James schmelzer 45 mins followed by /along with discussion  + Light like a pro- Jerry Day
  52. Group Discussion- Every student is assigned or opts for a particular Topic and Discusses / presents the same in the class
  53. Self Portrait - submit a series of self Portraits. 
  54. Environmental Portrait - Students to submit such portrait of one person they know well. Submit the characteristics of the person beforehand.
  55. One picture one day - Undertake this project to shoot only one photograph in one day for 5 days. Excluding the pictures taken in the class.
  56.  One day one picture B- upload/submit every saturday and sunday night two photographs shot on that day. (16 photos to be submitted in one month but on the same day when shot)
  57. Discussion on assigned theme photographs submitted by students.
  58. Compositional skills - shoot a set of Bottles in the studio, emphasizing on the arrangement in an abstract form
  59. Studio practical- Food photography -tea time snacks- pastries etc.-Followed by do it yourself session
  60. Studio practical-Food photography- cold drink /wine / beer - understand how to shoot a transparent bottle -Followed by do it yourself session
  61. Studio practical - Shoot a perfume bottle. Start with the basic setting followed by more complex lighting and background
  62. Studio practical - How to shoot reflective products - Shoot a set of stainless steel utensils
  63. Studio practical - Macro photography - product - jewellery / watch etc.
  64. Studio practical - Product - Leather bags /shoes
  65. Studio practical - Macro photography- abstracts -Dry leaves.... 
  66. Studio practical - Couple photography ( volunteers needed)
  67. Studio Practical - Kids Photography
  68. studio practical- How to shoot paintings
  69. Know How - Fashion photography
  70. Know How - Travel photography
  71. Know How - wedding photography
  72. Know How -Photojournalism
  73. Know How -Product photography
  74. Know How - HDR - High dynamic range
  75. Know How -panorama -virtual 360 degree
  76. Know How - 
  77. Digital workflow 2 Retouching 
  78. Digital workflow 3 Retouching and layers
  79. Digital workflow 4 Learn to cut out
  80. Go through RAW files of travel pictures by Munish. Understand the way it moves from one frame to the next in terms of composition and technique
  81. Open session / interaction
  82. Portfolio presentation - Make a presentation of your work done since the time you joined the training
  83. Introduction to videography on your camera
  84. Films - Annie Leibovitz
  85. Film - Helmont Newton
  86. Optional trip to a Village/city around. Expenses pooled in.
  87. Film- At close range -National Geographic -Joel Sartore
  88. Film Henri cartier Bresson
  89. Film- National Geographic - Most incredible photos
  90. Film- Classic three point lighting 401 Mark Daughn
  91. Film- Fashion and Beauty secrets- Karl Taylor
  92. Apply what you learnt- Do it yourself session in the studio -to practice any of the concepts /techniques from the viewed films
  93. Film- Portrait techniques 1 sandy Puc & Marcus Bell, 2 Dave Junion, 3 Andrew Campbell, Ed Pierce, 4 Larry Peters, Suzette Nesire, 5 Bruce Dorn, Jeff Hawkins, 6 Vicki Taufer  
  94. Film- Studio lighting Ed Pierce 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 - 
  95. Studio practical- practice time in group 
  96. Studio practical - practice time individually with one assistant
  97. -
  98. -
  99. -
  100. Final portfolio submission and evaluation