25 Topics / sessions- completed within 2 months - USD 540.
Registration fee- Rs.2000/- + course fee- Rs. 28000/-
8 Topics / sessions- completed within 10 days - Rs. 10,000/-
Registration fee- Rs.1000/- + course fee- Rs. 9000/-
(The contents include the first 8 sessions of the Basic course More about basic photography. Makes you confident in handling you camera and most of the photographic situations.
90 topics / sessions- completed within 6 months aprox - 1,05,000/- (one lac five thousand only)
Registration fee- Rs. 5000/- + course fee- Rs. 80000/- + Practical fee* -Rs. 20,000/- (consumed as per actual usage towards studio/outdoor practicals with models, stylists and other external resources. consumption is based on the actual expenditure for a shoot split amongst the participating students. Rs. 20,000/- should let you do over 5 to 6 professional shoots in a group. The balance amount leftover is refunded back or carried forward in case you want to continue with more practical shoots.
More in-depth knowledge. Besides the natural light a lot of studio photography covering various genres of photography are included. Exclusive international tutorials and hands on practicals. Build up your own strong portfolio with professional models. Almost all topics covered practically.
Complete course
115 Topics / sessions - completed within 8 months - Rs. 1,15,000 (one lac fifteen thousand only) (best option)
includes both Basic and Advance courses together. You pay Rs.5000/- less when you enroll for this course compared to joining Basic and advance courses separately.
Registration fee- Rs. 5000/- + course fee- Rs. 90000/- + Practical fee* -Rs. 20,000/- (consumed as per actual usage towards studio/outdoor practicals with models, stylists and other external resources. consumption is based on the actual expenditure for a shoot split amongst the participating students. Rs. 20,000/- should let you do over 5 to 6 professional shoots in a group. The balance amount leftover is refunded back or carried forward in case you want to continue with more practical shoots.
class duration- 2 hours for one basic session. 2 to 6 hours for advance sessions.
One to one / customized course- Kindly send in you portfolio to be eligible. Based on case to case the fees starts from Rs. 25000/- onwards.
Extensions - You can add on more practicals to your course by adding to the Practical fees. Once you exhaust your initial Rs.20,000/- you can continue to do more shoots by adding to this amount. This amount is used as per actual
Custom course
If you qualify (please send your portfolio to check) and do not have enough time, you may be able to do specific topics as per your requirements. The course is structured on the basis of your photography skills and level of expertise. The fees for the course is the same as for the basic course except that it is a blend of contents from basic and advance course.
Pay Full fees for complete, Basic, Advance or Custom courses
or pay just the registration fees, you will need to pay the Balance fees in cash (US Dollars or Indian Rupees) after the first class
Prices in USD and INR are same except for conversion fluctuations.
Terms and conditions
1. You must pay the registration fee or the course fee before you come for your first class. Registration / course fees is non refundable.
2. In case of cheque payments, you can start off with the course only after realization of the cheque
3. Practical fee- This amount is used towards the hiring of models, makeup artists or any other talent required for practical shoots. This amount is refundable in case it is not fully utilized. Also, in case you decide not to continue with the course further, this amount is fully refundable immadiately if not already consumed. The refunds are made only by cheque/online transfers but not by cash. In case you do not showup after confirming for a paid practical shoot, the particular amount is deducted from your account. You can upload more money in you account in installments of Rs.10000. There is no limit to the number of practical shoots as long as you have sufficient balance in your account.
4. Course fee- The fee is not refundable or adjustable. However, you may continue with the course even after several years if you wish to. Once you have paid the fee in full, you are a lifetime member.
5. The fees paid is towards the course contents and not the duration. Sometimes it may take a little longer to cover up the contents and on the other hand it may be covered a little faster.
6. You are eligible for the scholarship only after you have paid the fee is full. In case of people opting for installments, you can certainly win the monthly scholarships but you get the scholarship amount only after the full fee is settled.